Have you ever been struck with an image..?
     This has happened to me a lot of times... When I come across an image without its proper file name, it is difficult to find the Person/Animal/Things or whatever in it..
      I used to wonder when Google (the giant search engine which dominates the world, where 50% of world's internet traffic is caused by their products alone)... will create a search option, so that i can find the content of image in my PC...
     "Now the time has come".  The "image search" has been enhanced with all the options & it is easy for Layman to find the content in the image…
     First time I uploaded "Avril Lavigne" image... Guess what was the result, in just few seconds I was shown the "Search Results" of Avril... Wow..!

     But I was not satisfied with search results since I had a doubt that the search engine might have used the file name of the image which was "Avril (1)". So I tried a trick with the search engine… I downloaded an image of "Dr.A.B.J.Abdul Kalam" and renamed it as "Osama Bin Laden" and uploaded it to Google Search, after seeing the result, i was like WTF..! Who are the brains behind this?
     Yeah you guessed it right..!
The result was this...


So here is a small demo on how to start Searching with images..!
 Just follow the images cox, images speak a lot than words.
 Here is how it goes...

Step : 1 
Go to Google Image

Step : 2
    Place the cursor on Camera icon a small popup is shown, click on it.

Step : 3 
    you have 2 options, either you can paste the URL of the image or upload from your PC

Step : 4 
     Here is another option, just Drag & Drop the image on the Google window

Step : 5
     Leave the rest to Google's search engine

Step : 6
     Finally you can find the content in image


      Still, am not satisfied with Google's Image Search. Cox, it couldn't find any of my images when i uploaded mine even with proper file name, too bad...
On an end note : Google just returns similar images of the same person & not wide range...  When you upload a high contrast “Black & White” image, the result is not satisfactory..!

 Not just this, even a small part of G-Mail has been upgraded...
 you can find this tab with some new features...

     If u think this is good, just share this with the options below or tweet this page from top right..!

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