Facabook has introduced new option for chatting in a new window, called as the Facebook Messenger seperately like Yahoo Messenger, MSN & other Chat sercvices, usually we used to login into our account & then Chat at the Right Bottom, Your boss will know that you are using FB, now no more issuse, simply install the facebook chat app, login to the App, & start chatting without any trouble. Here are some of the Feature of Facebook Messenger App

 > Download from Here "Facebook Messenger

 > Run the "FacebookMessengerSetup.exe" wait for few mins, it will start the Setup, Provide the Proxy Settings if Needed.
> Login into Your account

You can see your Pending Friend Requests, Inbox, Notifications, WALL, Side Feeds & Online Users .

To go Invisible use "Go Offline"
For sigining Out use, Logout, simply Closing the app will minimise the Chat in the sidebar.

     New & interesting Feature is putting your chat application to the Right, You have to try this, when you are in the Dock Mode, try opening any other Application, the right dock is not Over Lapped

  For iPhone download From App Store

  Android Users download From Android Market
  Blackberry Users Visit http://fb.me/msgr from BlackBerry device.
  Windows 7 Users Download From HERE

But the Worst are Yet to Come, This App is currently avail only for Windows 7 Users, other OS users cannot use this App.
Similary any one who uses Manual Proxy Settings Cannot connect to the Internet via Currently Released App.I have filed a bug, let's see their Response.