Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts

Setting OnItemClickListener for RecyclerView

In our previous example we saw how to use RecyclerView instead of ListView. Let's see how to set OnItemClickListener in RecyclerVie...


Creating Animated, Horizontal, Vertical ListView using Recycler View.

Recylcer view is an updated version of ListView . Recylcer View can also be used to create Horizontal ListView by setting LinearLayou...


Custom ListView with CheckBox & Header, with Select-All / DeSelect-All functionalities

In our last post we saw how to create simple custom listview , It does not have any state to save when scrolled. But implementing ListView ...


A Simple Custom ListView in Android with Images & Text

Let's start with simple requirement. A list view containing a image & 2 TextViews as below. To achieve this one has to create an...


Get data from URL in Single Line - Android

Send httpget request in Android, receive, read response & print result in single line. Any connection to server has to called ins...


Adding "Comment using Google+" in Custom Blogger Templates

Blogger is updating all it's tools, in it timeline, Blogger recently  improved Blogger template HTML Editor  , now it has introduced ...


Getting Started with Google MapV2 for Android Apps

This is the Tutorial for adding Google Maps V2 to your Android Project.  MapV1 is depracted, you cannot generate Map API - key anymore usi...


Generating API key for Google MapsV2 - Android

Generating API Key. Open CMD Prompt in Windows navigate to java > jre > bin and execute keytool with following parameters. C: c...


First Project for Android Beginners

Lets Start with a simple Project,  Functions : Enter A Text in Edit Text, On Click of a Button show the Text in Text view  Open Eclip...
